Not so straight from the ATL, mixing one electric personality with a dash of humorous wit commenting on life, the universe, and everything.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

And the horoscope appears right...AGAIN

"Trust your instincts today when it comes to doing what makes the most sense, even if it is counter to your logical process. You are receiving instructions from deep within your psyche. It's not important that you understand the reasons for your current actions. For now, just follow your hunches and then talk about it tomorrow."

How funny is it that I come home from an evening with friends at Blake's (a bar) thinking "I am just not ready for this" to see the above horoscope?

I think I am trying to rush the pain of this past breakup away and its just not working like I wish it would.

I feel like I should take a break for awhile. Hermit myself away and do some of the things I have been promising myself I would do, like fixing the attic entry board, studying Japanese, and doing more sit ups and push ups. :)

I'm really tired and a bit drunk, which always seems to lead me to melancholy.


Blogger Doug said...

Wish I had some words of wisdom that you would want to hear. If you are like me in any way, then you probably know all the answers in your head and no matter how many times you repeat them, they don't seem to help.

I debated on whether to comment or not on this post. One side of me said to make a comment just so you would know someone else understands what you are going through and that time will take care of those wounds. Then another part of me said not to assist because there is no quick cure that I can offer. So I figured I would take the more humane approach just incase you hadn't heard from someone that they understand what you're going through.

By the way, played Assassins Creed this week on my bro's PS3. Fun game, but short. We nearly had it breat in the little time he was here. Kind of a let down.

8:01 PM


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