Not so straight from the ATL, mixing one electric personality with a dash of humorous wit commenting on life, the universe, and everything.

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

October 1st, 2002

I am in pain...but it feels good! LOL. Softball season for the fall started up this past weekend and here I am with sore thighs, a busted lip, and a strawberry on my right forearm and I couldn't be happier. Not a hell of a lot has been going on, been on a couple of dates with some really nice guys, but no serious sparks as of yet. I really am in a quandry because I hate dating, but that's the "Way Things Go" :) LOL.

I do get to meet new people and explore how I interact with just one person (I'm more used to a group dyniamic) so it's interesting on quite a few levels.

This month has flown by. I didn't realize I haven't made an entry in like FOREVER.

This past weekend I was in a MOOD. Felt like I was on top of the world (and no I didn't have any "help") but it was as if a fountain of positive energy was cenetered around me. I felt like I used to and I liked it. Energetic, outgoing, a wee on the crazy side. I remember that guy like it was yesterday. He's the one I used to be in college. Maybe he's coming back for awhile >:)


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