So we are BACK together after he broke it off with me. Said he was miserable without me and not eating. I could hardly let him starve so I agreed to date him again ;) Just kidding. I think if anything, our break-ups have evened out and put our relationship onto an even keel.
He said that the only time he gets "into my head" is when he reads my site...but I think that's unfair. I try to talk to him, perhaps it just comes across differently written down into a coherent thought rather than in bits and pieces during the course of our normal conversations.
BUT...for now and the forseeable future we are OK :) This is definitely the last time we are breaking up. If it happens again, we agreed that we just needs to transition our relationship into a "very close friends" style.
But life is good. I only have to work 2.5 days this week and the first one is halfway over already! I took a half-day on Wednesday so I can run around to Home Depot and Lowe's and get all the fixins for my major attack on my bathrooms. I have been preparing the half-bath over the past three days and have 95% of the wallpaper off! What a bitch it was! The wallpaper, having two layers (one vinyl layer and one glue paper layer) took basically two passes with the steam cleaner.
I should be posting some pictures of my work online so ya'll can see the creativity that is "Neon" as it progresses. It'll make the actual accomplishment more evident as I go through this.
I am torn between a comic book theme or a general science-fiction theme. If I go comic book, I have plenty of old comics I can tear up for accent stuff but if I go with general science-fiction it could be a room (small as it is) for displaying all my autographs from science fiction stars I's my own "Indecision 2004"!
Other than that, life has settled back into a stable state. I need to get off my ass and find some livingroom furniture. The BF complained about it last night but he has no "real" furniture either so I told him to "zip it" :)
With the holidays starting, I have a feeling I'm going to be busy this year. This will be the first year I spend Christmas by myself (or with Jimmy if we make it that long LOL) as my family will be spending it with the in-laws. I'm actually looking forward to a little peace and quiet and some serious time to spend with City of Heroes (when I'm not with the BF). I'm paying for it and have had little time to play lately...:(
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