Not so straight from the ATL, mixing one electric personality with a dash of humorous wit commenting on life, the universe, and everything.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Final Payment: Beetle is MINE!

So I sent it off today. My final...CAR PAYMENT!IT IS MINE YOU BITCHES! Muwhawhawhahwa!

But seriously...I am SO looking forward to NOT having a car payment for awhile (even though I am dreaming of a nice BMW Z4 in my future). I have to get my life together, pay off some debt that isn't really mine, and then (once that is complete) do a little traveling.

Got all my tax refunds in already, now I just have to find which places I should concentrate the money on. I believe the strategy is to pay off the high APRs first.

I am totally in like with the new "Da Buzz" album "Last Goodbye". Some good toe tappers and some really fun "drag numbers in my head". I totally would love to produce/choreograph someone else ;) I look awful as a girl, but I sure can be a backup dancer! LOL :)

I am going to try and get off my butt and get my new tattoo done. I am going to have to shave my chest (which I am NOT looking forward to). But I know what I want. I just have to decide the scale and go and make the appointment. I'll probably go to the place where I got the others done at "Timeless Tattoo". We'll see ;)

I should have some pictures up soon in my next blog post. OH OH, before I forget, let me tell ya'll how ditzy I can be :)

So yesterday I'm cleaning the house, even going so far as to scrub out the toilets. Well...I noticed that the sink in my half-bath downstairs was icky so I put the stopper in, put some orange Pine Sol in it, and turned on the faucet. Went into the kitchend was mucking around doing laundry and I hear this someone left the shower on...I was like "WTF is tha...OH MY GOD!!!!" In the span of about 60 seconds I had forgotten I turned on that sink faucet (tells you how much I was trying to NOT think about my chores) and the floor was 1/4 inch deep with water! I grabbed some dirty towels and started mopping it up. It even went into the crawl space under the stairs. I just left the door open to air it out. This morning it was all dry. But the floor did get a nice clean and polish in the bathroom.



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